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Welcome to Year 2!

Our topic this half term is ‘Messy Mixtures’ and is science and art based. The children will have opportunities to:

* Investigate solids and liquids and how they change e.g. when mixed with water, vinegar etc.

* Use different media to create artwork for a mini exhibition at the end of the topic.

* Create stop motion animations. PE sessions will be on Tuesdays starting next week. The children must bring suitable kit to wear during the sessions.

We will continue with spelling homework every Wednesday (starting from 19th September) and maths homework to be completed online (details to follow)

In maths we will be looking at: times tables, numbers to 100 and beyond, addition and subtraction, doubles, 2D shapes and sorting.

In literacy we will be reading ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ by Roald Dahl and writing poems and stories. The children will be starting Kerbcraft at the end of September to help them cross the road safely

Many thanks,

Mrs Williams