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Dosbarth Mrs Griffith

Croeso – Welcome to our Y3/4 class page.                                                    

Welcome back to the start of a new school year at Danygraig! We hope you have had a wonderful Summer and are ready for an exciting new term! I’m really excited to join the team and meet you all.

Please find below details of the learning that your child will be doing during the Autumn term. We have also suggested ways in which you can help your child at home. If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Dojo or the school office.

Thank you for your continued support.

Main areas of study:Our topic this term is ‘Angry Earth’. The children will be investigating the worlds incredible and powerful natural disasters. The children will have opportunities to decide on their learning through pupil lead questioning and LOL time. They could be working on topics in relation to our ‘Angry Earth’ topic such as to: Understand how natural disasters occur and the warnings they give; Investigate the devastating effects they cause to the environment and the human race; Create diagrams and models to represent their powerful effects; Explore our planet to find where these natural disasters occur;

Homework will be given every Wednesday starting: 20th September to be completed online through their Hwb accounts or in their homework books by the following Wednesday. Homework will be alternate weeks of Literacy and Maths. Please see your child’s class teacher if you have any problems accessing the work.  

In maths, during the Autumn term, we will be learning about: number and place value, written addition and subtraction, problem solving, reasoning and algebra, mental addition and subtraction, , percentages and their equivalence to fractions, problem solving, reasoning and algebra, mental multiplication and division, measurement, mental multiplication and division, solving word problems and developing reasoning skills.  

During PE lessons, there will be opportunities to go outside and explore our physical well-being through activities and games. Mrs Smedley will lead our PE lessons, during her sessions with the class on Wednesdays.

Wellbeing Wednesday – During the first half of the term, children will be joining in with a weekly drumming session and working together to create a Samba band. After half term, the children will need waterproofs or a coat, as we’ll be taking our learning outside for a weekly ‘Welly Wednesday’ session.

Dojo messages and information will continue this year in the class groups. Letters will be sent for those who have not joined yet for you to join our class community. Please follow the instructions to download and join our class community through the app, if you are not already using it. This is a simple and effective way of getting in touch, receiving information and seeing how your son/daughter is getting on through dojo points and posted videos.
Ways in which you can help at home:-Have fun and read together. Please listen to your child reading at home every night (your child will have reading book and new reading record diary for you to make comments soon).
-Visit the local library to choose books relevant to topics being studied at school.
-Discuss and talk through your child’s homework helping them with strategies and methods to solve it independently.
-Talk to your child about the range of geographical features in their locality & globally.
-Help your children by listening to them read, practice their times tables through TT Rockstars and help them to problem solve.