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JSTF – Sunbeams class

Hello and welcome to The Sunbeams class page. I am excited to start my first term in The Sunbeams class and look forward to meeting you all throughout the course of this term.

Our new topic is ‘Explorers and Adventurers’ and we are going to exploring mountains, jungles and space including some of the pioneering people who have explored these places. We will be looking at a range of picture books such as Mabel and the Mountain, Monkey Puzzle and Martha Maps it Out. We will be writing letters and postcards and creating maps. We are going to explore the school garden for mini-beasts, watching caterpillars grow into butterflies and looking at the life cycle of a butterfly.

The Sunbeams class will continue our fortnightly walk from school to Sainsburys in SA1 to do shopping then we will cook or bake in the afternoon on our return to school. During these sessions the pupils’ social skills will develop alongside their listening, communication and fitness.  (I will use dojo to keep all parents posted about what day we are going (Tuesday or Wednesday depending on the weather. It is therefore very important all parents sign up to dojo to enable effective communication between school and home and vice versa). On the days we are going shopping can you please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.

Ways you can help at home:

  • Join Class Dojo to make sure you get important messages about how your child is doing and talk to them about the dojo points they receive.
  • Please send any interesting objects related to our topic to school (not valuable items, please).
  • Please listen to your child reading at home (a Reading Record is provided for you to make comments) and return the books regularly as we listen to the children read most days.
  • Where possible get outdoors – go for a walk, grow vegetables or flowers etc.
  • Join the local library and encourage your child to visit regularly and choose new books.
  • Read your child a bedtime story.
Don’t forget to get in contact with me via class dojo if you have any concerns or to share photos.

Mrs Williams